Use "eat|ate|eaten|eating|eats" in a sentence

1. Synonyms for Chowed down include dined, ate, eaten, ate heartily, eaten heartily, gobbled, gulped, noshed, wolfed and dug in

2. What does Ate mean? The definition of Ate is to have eAten

3. Ate definition, simple past tense of eat

4. Allosaurus probably ate large, plant-eating dinosaurs, like Stegosaurus

5. Chow: food eaten or prepared for eating at one time.

6. Boxfish eats relatively slowly and should not be kept with fast eating species

7. A turtle eating the insect that eats the leaf makes a chain of two.

8. We ate all the poor meat; one would get hungry eating it.

9. Synonyms for Chowed include put away, ate, eaten, consumed, ingested, devoured, bolted, gobbled, wolfed and shifted

10. Binge eating disorder is a serious condition characterized by uncontrollable eating and resulting weight gain.People with Binge eating disorder frequently eat

11. But it had to eat to live. Little Crabby only ate living things.

12. Synonyms for Chomped include bit on, bitten on, champed, chewed, chewn, crunched, ate, eaten, gnawed and gnawn

13. In addition to eating the wrong kind of food, I ate way too much food.

14. Will my stomach have problem if I eat lobster without eating anything?

15. Fruit eating primates have relatively larger brains than those that eat leaves.

16. Synonyms for Breakfasted include broke one's fast, broken one's fast, noshed, ate, eaten, devoured, gobbled, gulped, wolfed and consumed

17. Bryozoans eat microscopic organisms and are eaten by several larger aquatic predators, including fish and insects

18. I even ate Blts back in the day when I didn’t eat so much L and T

19. Ate synonyms, Ate pronunciation, Ate translation, English dictionary definition of Ate

20. When one animal eats another, such as birds eating fish that contain pesticides, the poisons accumulate rapidly in the eater.

21. A meal eaten in the morning as the first meal of the day: What do you want for Breakfast? Jane never eats Breakfast

22. Allosaurus, meaning "different reptile," is a theropod (meat eating dinosaur) that probably ate other smaller dinosaurs.

23. She's eaten 43 tacos in 11 minutes to claim victory in the World Champion Chicken Taco Eating Contest.

24. Synonyms for Begrudged include envied, resented, resent, grudged, coveted, pinched, stinted, ate your heart out, eaten your heart out and minded

25. Creophagous flesh-eating; carnivorous detritivore animal that eats decomposing organic matter dysphagia pathological difficulty in swallowing endophagy cannibalism within a tribe; eating away from within entomophagous eating insects equivorous consuming horseflesh exophagy cannibalism outside one's own group foliophagous

26. What does a Basilisk eat? In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Basilisk eats Fertilized Rock Drake Egg, and Fertilized Magmasaur Egg

27. You could hear them eating, hear the chomp, chomp, chomp when they ate the peanuts we were throwing them.

28. Play - The viral sensation! Eat cells smaller than you and don't get eaten by the bigger ones!

29. Eat mindfully - Mindful eating means paying attention to what you eat, savoring each bite, and choosing foods that are both nourishing and enjoyable.

30. Literally, myrmecophagy means "ant eating" (Ancient Greek: murmēx, "ants" and phagein, "to eat") rather than "termite eating" (for which the strict term is termitophagy).

31. Eat Carp that’s been eating clean vegetation, and it’s going to be mild and sweet

32. The Apaches also refrained from eating animals that ate the foods they considered abhorrent, which included bears, dogs and pigs

33. This sweet, delicious taste after catch, and eat one another, so eating too much and feel.

34. How to eat them: Blood oranges are best eaten fresh―out of hand, or in salads, salsas, or marmalades

35. If you Binge eat regularly—at least once a week for 3 months—and feel you cannot control your eating, you may have Binge eating disorder

36. “I soon got so accustomed to not eating that even if I wanted to eat, I couldn’t.

37. Some may like to eat only squids, or others might eat more krill or fish.From the two Albatross species that live in Hawaii, one of them, the Black-footed Albatross, eats mostly fish.

38. You will be eating a Balanced diet if you eat foods from each of the groups below

39. They ate meat and bread that was hardened by the cold, but Bicker would not allow them to eat snow.

40. Eating Attitudes Test© (EAT-26) Instructions: This is a screening measure to help you determine whether you might have an eating disorder that needs professional attention

41. The Consumption of food or drink is the act of eating or drinking something, or the amount that is eaten or drunk

42. Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, if so thou shouldst surely adie?

43. Beaucoup Eats is a Mid-City New Orleans neighborhood eatery serving up Creole Comfort Cuisine with full service catering & ready to eat meals

44. Adults are omnivorous, eating insect eggs, small crustaceans, hydrozoan polyps, and algae, while the larvae eat only algae.

45. Within my eating plans I always include foods rich in nutrients to ensure that my dieters eat healthily.

46. And if you do eat out regularly, you definitely should take an active interest in eating better restaurant food.

47. "Indications of Homo habilis eating hedgehog and using tools to eat them" has already been identified, Fernandez-Jalvo said.

48. Look, feel, eat Better! Eating healthy doesn't mean you have to give up foods you love, just enjoy them prepared in a Better way! Look, feel, eat Better! order

49. Nobody here eats meat.

50. Binge eating is when you eat a large amount of food in a short amount of time and feel that you can’t control what or how much you are eating

51. Thus one raises calves but eats veal, one raises pigs and eats pork.

52. The two most popular types of clam to eat are steamed soft-shell Clams (otherwise called “steamers”) and hard-shell Clams eaten raw.

53. Whether you want to order breakfast, lunch, dinner or a snack, Uber Eats makes it easy to discover new and nearby places to eat in Badgen.

54. This is seen not eaten cold, do not feel that the time would be good to eat, there is no impulse buy food.

55. Beaucoup Eats, New Orleans, Louisiana

56. He never eats dumplings, he don't -- he eats nothing but steaks, and he likes'em rare. "

57. He eats like a pig!

58. Batrachoseps campi eats small insects.

59. He hardly ever eats meat.

60. Before eating Allergists recommend that if you do not have your auto-injector device with you that you do not eat.

61. 90 to 100 percent of the Carbs you eat appear in your bloodstream as blood glucose within minutes to hours after you have eaten

62. Rather than spending their lives eating grass, for which their stomachs were designed, they were forced to eat soy and corn.

63. Acetone eats rubber and plastic

64. Ram eats like a pig.

65. Mayuko eats bread for breakfast.

66. Eaten by bears!

67. Eren was... eaten.

68. He eats too much sugary food.

69. 16 Mash the restealth key since sometimes the trap does break early (especially if you already ate scattershot) and you can avoid his aimed shot but of course eats rest of the hits.

70. The Buccinator muscle helps with these functions, two of which go beyond eating: Prevents you from biting your cheek as you eat

71. Baked Chimichanga Julie's Eats and Treats

72. QC Local Eats Cavort Living Local

73. It also eats algae and detritus.

74. I hear that he eats frogs.

75. “Dinosaurs Ate Grass”

76. Have you eaten?

77. And when she eats his dick?

78. This contains lichen, which eats algae.

79. Carb Backloading is a way of eating that doesn’t really limit what you eat but instead limits when you eat carbs. To make the process work you need to follow a few simple rules

80. Definition Derby: Ate Read each –Ate family word in the first column